Takbiratul Ihram – The Beginner’s Solat Book

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31/12/2024 6:31 PM


Takbiratul Ihram marks the initiation of the salah and holds great significance in the prayer. It is the opening declaration that signifies the commencement of the prayer and the transition from the state of everyday activities to the sacred act of worship.

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Takbiratul Ihram consists of saying “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest) while raising both hands to the level of the shoulders. This action is performed by both the imam (leader of the prayer) and the ma’mum (congregants) simultaneously.

The Takbiratul Ihram serves as a clear demarcation between the mundane activities of daily life and the focused engagement in the worship of Allah. It is a moment of reverence, declaring the greatness and majesty of Allah as the worshipper prepares to stand in His presence.

This opening Takbir is a reminder of the fundamental principle of Tawhid, the oneness of Allah, and the central role He plays in the life of a believer. It sets the tone for the entire solat, emphasizing humility, submission, and devotion.

As the worshipper pronounces “Allahu Akbar,” it is a symbolic act of lifting worldly concerns and acknowledging the supreme greatness of Allah. This simple yet profound declaration encapsulates the essence of solat, a direct connection with the Almighty.

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