Cairo , Egypt

Yusuf Agha Al-Hin Mosque

It is located in Al Heen Street in Bab Al-Khalq Square in the middle of Port Said Street in front of the Cairo Security Directorate in the Downtown Cairo neighborhood

Mosque Images

The Youssef Al-Hin Mosque is one of the mosques established during the Ottoman Empire in Egypt. It is located on Al-Hin Street in Bab Al-Khalq Square in the middle of Port Said Street, in front of the Cairo Security Directorate in the downtown district of Cairo.

It was established by the Ottoman Prince Youssef bin Abdullah and known as “Al-Heen” in the year 1035 AH / 1625 AD. It is one of the suspended mosques, as it is climbed to it by several steps of stairs. Its layout consists of a middle courtyard on which four iwans open, the largest and deepest of which is the qibla iwan. Passers-by with water for drinking, and two books to teach Muslim children the principles of reading and writing.

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