Al-Baqi (The Names of Allah)

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Names of Allah



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4/11/2024 1:52 AM


Al-Baqi is among the debated Names of Allah in Islamic tradition, as it is not directly mentioned in the Quran or Sunnah. Its meaning is "The Everlasting" or "The Eternal One," denoting Allah’s attribute of remaining forever. He is the Living One who endures perpetually, without end or decay, while all things perish.

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Names of Allah

Al-Qayyum (The Names of Allah)

Al-Qayyum: One of Allah’s Beautiful Names, Al-Qayyum signifies “The Self-Sustaining, Eternal One,” embodying His absolute continuity in action and attributes, as well as His vigilant oversight over all beings and their deeds. This name points to the perfect independence and completeness of Allah’s power, His governance, and His unceasing care over creation.  

Several Islamic scholars have included Al-Baqi (The Everlasting) among Allah’s Beautiful Names, though it does not appear explicitly in the Quran or Sunnah. Notably, scholars like Al-Walid, Al-San’ani, Ibn Al-Husayn, Ibn Manda, and Al-Bayhaqi counted it as one of the Divine Names. Ibn Hajar, after discussing various hadiths listing Allah’s Beautiful Names with differing narrations, mentioned that Al-Walid’s narration from Shu’ayb is among the most authentic.

This narration, widely referenced in explanations of Allah’s Beautiful Names, is cited by Al-Tirmidhi and includes Al-Baqi among other names, such as Al-Noor, Al-Hadi, Al-Badi’, Al-Warith, Al-Rashid, and Al-Saboor. Al-Tabarani also narrated a version from Abu Zur’ah Al-Dimashqi through Safwan ibn Salih, though there were some variations in the list of names.

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Names of Allah

Al-Qayyum (The Names of Allah)

Al-Qayyum: One of Allah’s Beautiful Names, Al-Qayyum signifies “The Self-Sustaining, Eternal One,” embodying His absolute continuity in action and attributes, as well as His vigilant oversight over all beings and their deeds. This name points to the perfect independence and completeness of Allah’s power, His governance, and His unceasing care over creation.  

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