Al-Haqq(The names of Allah)

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Names of Allah



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4/11/2024 8:59 PM


Al-Haqq: One of Allah’s Names, meaning "The Absolute Truth." Al-Haqq signifies that Allah is the ultimate reality, whose existence is undeniable and who embodies perfect justice and authenticity. Everything He decrees is rooted in truth, and all creation depends on His existence, while He is self-sufficient. Al-Haqq is the one whose word is unchanging and whose judgments are just.


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Names of Allah

Al-Qayyum (The Names of Allah)

Al-Qayyum: One of Allah’s Beautiful Names, Al-Qayyum signifies “The Self-Sustaining, Eternal One,” embodying His absolute continuity in action and attributes, as well as His vigilant oversight over all beings and their deeds. This name points to the perfect independence and completeness of Allah’s power, His governance, and His unceasing care over creation.  



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This name appears in several verses of the Qur’an, affirming that Allah’s existence and decrees are the ultimate reality, unchallenged by falsehood. As Al-Haqq, Allah is the source and foundation of all truth, guiding creation with wisdom and justice.

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Names of Allah

Al-Qayyum (The Names of Allah)

Al-Qayyum: One of Allah’s Beautiful Names, Al-Qayyum signifies “The Self-Sustaining, Eternal One,” embodying His absolute continuity in action and attributes, as well as His vigilant oversight over all beings and their deeds. This name points to the perfect independence and completeness of Allah’s power, His governance, and His unceasing care over creation.  



Names of Allah

Al-Raqeeb (The Names of Allah)

Ar-Raqib is one of the Names of Allah. It is in the emphatic form “Fa’il” and means the Watchful One, who is fully aware of what is hidden within hearts and is vigilant over every soul regarding what it has earned.    

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