Wisdom is to place things in their appropriate positions and assign them their due status.
Al-Hakim is the One who possesses complete wisdom, who judges all matters justly among His creation. Al-Hakim is the All-Knowing, fully aware of the origins and outcomes of all matters, vast in praise, perfect in ability, and rich in mercy. He places things precisely where they belong, fittingly in His creation and decree. Therefore, no question or challenge can be posed to His wisdom.
In the Qur’an, Allah’s name “Al-Hakim” is never mentioned in isolation but is always coupled with another attribute, highlighting the completeness of His wisdom linked with His might, knowledge, awareness, vastness, mercy, and praise, as seen in verses mentioning Al-Aziz Al-Hakim (The Mighty, the Wise), Al-‘Alim Al-Hakim (The Knowing, the Wise), Al-Hakim Al-Khabir (The Wise, the Acquainted), Wasi’ Hakim (The All-Encompassing, the Wise), Tawwab Hakim (The Accepting of Repentance, the Wise), and Hakim Hamid (The Wise, the Praiseworthy).