Al-Sabour (The Names of Allah)

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Names of Allah



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4/11/2024 2:04 AM


Al-Sabour (The Patient) is regarded by several scholars as one of the names of Allah. It is mentioned in narrations by Al-Tirmidhi, Al-Bayhaqi, and Ibn Hibban through the narration

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Names of Allah

Al-Qayyum (The Names of Allah)

Al-Qayyum: One of Allah’s Beautiful Names, Al-Qayyum signifies “The Self-Sustaining, Eternal One,” embodying His absolute continuity in action and attributes, as well as His vigilant oversight over all beings and their deeds. This name points to the perfect independence and completeness of Allah’s power, His governance, and His unceasing care over creation.  

Translations of Scholars’ Sayings on the Meaning of “As-Saboor”:

  1. An-Nawawi in the explanation of Sahih Muslim: “The judge said: As-Saboor is one of the names of Allah, and He is the One who does not hasten to punish the sinners. He is similar in meaning to Al-Haleem in His names, as Al-Haleem is the one who pardons despite having the ability to take revenge.”

  2. Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani in Fath Al-Bari and Al-Manawi in Fayd Al-Qadeer: “As-Saboor is the one who does not hasten in taking the sinners to account, or the one who is not driven by haste to act before the proper time.”

  3. Abu Sulayman Al-Khattabi: “As-Saboor is the one who does not hasten to take revenge on the sinners, but rather delays that to a specified time and grants them a known respite. The meaning of As-Saboor in the attribute of Allah, Glory be to Him, is close to the meaning of Al-Haleem; however, the difference between the two is that they do not feel secure from punishment in the attribute of As-Saboor, as they do in the attribute of Al-Haleem.”

  4. Abu Ishaq Al-Zajjaj: “As-Saboor is a form denoting ‘one who does,’ and the origin of patience in language means ‘to restrain.’ It is said, ‘I restrained him from such-and-such.’ The meaning of patience and As-Saboor in the name of Allah, Exalted be He, is close to the meaning of Al-Haleem.”

  5. Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyya in his Nuniya:
    “He is the Saboor who is patient with the harm of His enemies.
    They slandered Him and attributed falsehood to Him.
    They said He has a son, which does not benefit us—
    This is slander and denial from mankind.
    This and that is heard and known by Him;
    Had He willed, He could have punished them with disgrace,
    But He grants them health and sustenance while they harm Him with disbelief and denial.


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Names of Allah

Al-Qayyum (The Names of Allah)

Al-Qayyum: One of Allah’s Beautiful Names, Al-Qayyum signifies “The Self-Sustaining, Eternal One,” embodying His absolute continuity in action and attributes, as well as His vigilant oversight over all beings and their deeds. This name points to the perfect independence and completeness of Allah’s power, His governance, and His unceasing care over creation.  

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