Al-Zahir (The Names of Allah)

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Names of Allah



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4/11/2024 1:44 AM


Az-Zahir is one of the Beautiful Names of Allah, meaning "The Manifest" or "The Evident." This name conveys that nothing is above Him and that He is supreme over all. Allah is Al-Zahir in His absolute power over everything, the Dominant and the Unconquerable. As Allah says in the Quran:

"So We supported those who believed against their enemy, and they became dominant." (Surah As-Saff, 61:14)


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Names of Allah

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Al-Qayyum: One of Allah’s Beautiful Names, Al-Qayyum signifies “The Self-Sustaining, Eternal One,” embodying His absolute continuity in action and attributes, as well as His vigilant oversight over all beings and their deeds. This name points to the perfect independence and completeness of Allah’s power, His governance, and His unceasing care over creation.  

This dominance illustrates Allah’s unchallengeable power. The name is derived from “zhuhur,” meaning appearance or visibility, which is the opposite of hiddenness. Az-Zahir’s meaning extends to Allah’s existence being evident to all through both intellectual and natural signs. Allah created all beings and all things to manifest His ability and wisdom, showing His presence and power in every corner of the universe. Allah is manifest from all perspectives, as in:

“To Allah belong the east and the west. So wherever you turn, there is the Face of Allah. Indeed, Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:115)


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Names of Allah

Al-Qayyum (The Names of Allah)

Al-Qayyum: One of Allah’s Beautiful Names, Al-Qayyum signifies “The Self-Sustaining, Eternal One,” embodying His absolute continuity in action and attributes, as well as His vigilant oversight over all beings and their deeds. This name points to the perfect independence and completeness of Allah’s power, His governance, and His unceasing care over creation.  

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